Up-down theologies of domination have not served the world well.  Even the more liberal and entirely post-modern theologies of “stewardship” are still stuck in that up-down schema that inordinately privileges the human being in an anthropocentric hierarchy.  All this points to the need for a serious rethinking of the one, cosmic, male creator god who rules all things.  Talk of creation and the single creator it implies is not possible for those of us who take seriously the collateral-egalitarian balance and community-ist living.

Buffalo Shout, Salmon Cry” Tink Tinker, 178,179.

Two pics that got me thinking about white culpability

This, from The Inconvenient Indian by Thomas King, page 129.  HT to Chris Barna for the sharing this on Facebook.


And this, whom the good folks over at By Their Strange Fruit posted on their Facebook stream.  The pictures were originally posted here.






These two are connected.  I am not completely sure I understand the depths by which these two pictures are connected, or the dynamic shalom activist faithfulness it is compelling me to, but I am working on it.  How would you articulate the depth?